Limit your workwear environmental footprint

Compare the impact of renting a garment against purchasing and washing it at home.

By washing at Elis you will save:

The results include the full life cycle from raw material to end of life, including the washing process and come from an ISO 14040 and 14044 LCA.
Carbon footprint (kgCO2e) Contribution to climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, methane...)​
~ 157 km by car
Water consumption (L) Potential of water deprivation
~ 105 showers
Fossil energy use (kWh) Consumption of non-renewable energy
~ 11 days of heating
Textile waste (kg) Waste generation at the end of life of the garment
~ 3 garments
Detergent consumption (kg) Cleaning products used in the washing process
~ 1 detergent jars

Find out more about the results

The figures come from the comparative LCA « Providing the wearer with a clean, dry working outfit 5 days per week, every week for 4 years service ». The LCA went through a critical review process in line with ISO 14071 requirements. Peer board members were LCA and washing industry experts.

These results are indicative based on 1 jacket and 2 pairs of trousers per week per wearer.

Sensitivity analysis has shown that the results do not significantly change if the number of changes per week is altered.

Main assumptions:

  • At home: work garments are purchased by the employer and washed separately from private clothes and tumble dried
  • At Elis: garments are rented, they are repaired and reused if the employee leaves the company or changes clothes

Methodology: ISO 14040, 14044, Environmental Footprint 3.1 method.

Database: Ecoinvent 3.9.1, ADEME and Elis specific data.

Steps analysed in the LCA

LCA wheel image
By washing at Elis you will save

The results include the full life cycle from raw material to end of life, including the washing process and come from an ISO 14040 and 14044 LCA.

Carbon footprint (kgCO2e)
~ 157 km by car
Water consumption (L)
~ 105 showers
Fossil energy use (kWh)
~ 11 days of heating
Textile waste (kg)
~ 3 garments
Detergent consumption (kg)
~ 1 detergent jars
Data input
Total number of wearers
Contract period
Who is Elis

Elis, a leader in circular services, allows businesses to achieve optimal hygiene and protection for their employees and customers.
Elis offers its clients products that are maintained, repaired, reused, and reemployed to optimize their usage and lifespan. Elis’ conviction is that the circular economy model, which notably aims at reducing consumption of natural resources by optimizing the lifespan of products, is a sustainable solution to address today’s environmental challenges. The services offered by Elis represent a sustainable alternative to the simple purchase or use of products or to single use disposable products. 84% of the Group turnover (2023) are based on the product as service business model.


Elis has carried out a comparative Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) covering the full life cycle of workwear products.
The LCA compares 3 cleaning scenarios of a full workwear outfit (jacket and trousers); the circular model based on garment rental with scenarios where garments are purchased and cleaned at home or purchased and cleaned by a laundry service.


The results come from the comparative LCA “Providing a wearer with a clean, dry working outfit 5 days per week , every week for 4 years’ service”. The LCA went through a critical review process in line with ISO 14071 requirements. Peer board members were LCA and washing industry experts. 
Methodology : ISO 14040, 14044, Environmental Footprint 3.1 method Database: Ecoinvent 3.9.1, ADEME and Elis specific data. 
These results are indicative based on 1 jacket and 2 pairs of trousers per week per wearer. Sensitivity analysis has shown that the results do not significantly change if the number of changes per week is altered.

Date: Mon, 03/17/2025 - 13:19